Installment Plans


Installment Plans are offered as a payment option to help students and families manage the cost of educational expenses. Tuition Payment Plans break up the total cost of an expense into multiple partial payments over the course of the semester. Installment Payment Plans are only available during Fall and Spring semesters.

Students may opt-in to Installment Plans for:

  1. Basic Tuition & Fees (available for CA residents)
  2. Non-Resident Tuition & Fees (available for Out of State and Foreign students)

In addition to tuition-related Installment Plans, Housing & Meal Plans are billed to students living on campus in eight installments over the academic year (see below for more information).

Basic Tuition due for each semester may be paid in installments. Payment of mandatory campus fees are due immediately when signing up for the Installment Plan. Please note there is a nonrefundable $60.00 service fee to enroll in the Installment Plan. 

Attention: If you are receiving a Basic Tuition paying resource (Cal Grant, State University Grant, or Cal Vet Fee Waiver) your Basic Tuition is already covered, do not sign up for the Installment Plan. 

Mandatory Campus Fees:

  • SDSU Main Campus - $1,322.00
  • Imperial Valley - $754.00

The remaining balance is split into three equal installments per semester due:

Fall 2024

  1. September 20 (+ $60.00 service fee)
  2. October 20
  3. November 20

Spring 2025

  1. February 20 (+ $60.00 service fee)
  2. March 20
  3. April 20

The Installment Plan is a semester long contract. Students must enroll into the Installment Plan each semester.

A separate tuition Installment Plan is available for Non-Resident Tuition (applicable only for Out-of-State and Foreign Students).

Payment of your term Basic Tuition and Mandatory Campus Fees are due upon enrolling into the plan. The remaining balance* is split into three installments per semester in addition to service charges totaling up to 10%.

Fall 2024

  1. September 20 (+ service charges)
  2. October 20 (+ service charges)
  3. November 20 (+ service charges)

Spring 2025

  1. February 20 (+ service charges)
  2. March 20 (+ service charges)
  3. April 20 (+ service charges)

The Tuition Installment Plans are a semester long contract. Students must enroll into each semester.

Note: Non-Resident Tuition is due in addition to Basic Tuition & Fees.

*Total Non-Resident Tuition is determined by the number of units a student is enrolled in ($420.00 per unit of coursework).

Per the Terms and Conditions of the License Agreement for students who live on-campus, SDSU will bill housing and meal plan fees in eight installments during the academic year. A student's Housing and Meal Plan Fees will be determined by the assigned room type and selected meal plan.

Housing & Meal Plan Installments are due:

Fall 2024

  1. August 20
  2. September 20
  3. October 20
  4. November 20

Spring 2025

  1. January 20
  2. February 20
  3. March 20
  4. April 20

For information related to on-campus housing, please visit For information related to dining and meal plans, visit

Tuition Installment Plan Enrollment 

Installment Plan applications are no longer accepted in-person and must be completed online.
To enroll in a Tuition Installment Plan:

  1. Log into your my.SDSU account.
  2. Click on the "Financial Account" tile
  3. Click “Account Services”
  4. Click "Enroll in Payment Plan"
  5. Choose "Payment Plan"

Be sure to read and accept the acknowledgement of the terms of the agreement. 

Additional Tuition Installment Plan Information

  • Students must re-enroll into the Tuition Installment Plan each semester
  • Parking,  miscellaneous fees and Global Campus tuition fees may not be paid in installments
  • Professional Program Fees may not be paid in installments
  • The deadline to enroll in the Installment Plan is the Schedule Adjustment Deadline.
  • Basic Tuition & Fees Installment Plan is not available for Summer Sessions
  • Late registration participants may enroll in the Installment Plan - a $50 late registration fee will be accrued in addition to related installment fees
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